Events Calendar
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Legacy the School of Sport Sciences
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity C Boys (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV Blue Girls (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Early dismissal at 2:30 PM. Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV White Boys (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Our Savior Lutheran School
Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV Silver Boys (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: MS Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV White Boys Athletics - Basketball JV Silver Girls Athletics - Basketball JV Silver Boys Athletics - Basketball JV Blue Girls Athletics - Basketball JV Blue Boys Schools: Salem Lutheran School Trinity Lutheran School Locations: MS Gym FLC Gym Salem Lutheran School
Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV Blue Boys Athletics - Basketball JV Blue Girls Athletics - Basketball JV Silver Boys Athletics - Basketball JV Silver Girls Athletics - Basketball JV White Boys Schools: Trinity Lutheran School Salem Lutheran School Locations: Salem Lutheran School FLC Gym MS Gym
Rescheduled from the Jan 16 weather cancellation. No early dismissal needed. Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Boys (Away) Schools: LUTHERAN HIGH NORTH (Neutral) Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: LUTHERAN HIGH NORTH
Schools: Trinity Lutheran School Location: Elementary School - K-2nd Grade Wing
Early dismissal at 2:20 PM Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV Blue Girls (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: St. Mark Lutheran School
Early dismissal at 2:50 PM Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV Silver Boys (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School
Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV White Boys (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Rescheduled from December 14 cancellation. Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity B Boys (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls (Away) Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Boys (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity B Boys (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Boys (Home) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity C Boys Athletics - Basketball Varsity B Boys Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Boys Schools: CONCORDIA LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL Salem Lutheran School Trinity Lutheran School Locations: FLC Gym CONCORDIA LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL Salem Lutheran School
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Boys Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls Athletics - Basketball Varsity B Boys Athletics - Basketball Varsity C Boys Schools: Trinity Lutheran School Salem Lutheran School CONCORDIA LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL Locations: Salem Lutheran School CONCORDIA LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Boys Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls Athletics - Basketball Varsity B Boys Athletics - Basketball Varsity C Boys Schools: Trinity Lutheran School Salem Lutheran School CONCORDIA LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL Locations: Salem Lutheran School CONCORDIA LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL FLC Gym
Groups: Athletics - Track (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) HOUSTON CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL (Neutral) Location: HOUSTON CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL
Groups: Athletics - Track (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Northland Christian HS Cougar Field
Early dismissal at 2:20, Bus 104 Groups: Athletics - Baseball Varsity A (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Pilgrim Lutheran Church